Blessed to Be a Blessing
“As active supporters of ICCF Community Homes for 38 years, we’ve seen the organization’s dedication to housing justice, equity, and strong community. It is a joy to see the impact it has had on so many lives over the past 50 years, including ours. We pray that our legacy gift will help to form a small part of the foundation that enables ICCF’s work to continue long into the future.”
– Chuck and Ellen Hekman
For 50 years ICCF Community Homes has been “blessed to be a blessing” for our neighbors!
Over the course of this special anniversary year, we’ve charted ICCF’s accomplishments and celebrated its impact with grateful hearts. We’ve seen the underlying commitment to housing justice that has been ICCF’s abiding mission spanning the decades – a commitment to both relieve immediate housing needs and provide ways for households to make houses into homes and facilitate neighborhoods where hope abounds.
We’ve also seen how God has sometimes refined and refocused ICCF’s mission as needs and opportunities evolved, connecting our underlying commitment to new resources when previously relied-on support dried up, sometimes rescuing, at other times painfully pruning, but always calling and equipping ICCF, its staff, volunteers and donors to make a difference, opening windows where doors were closing.
The ICCF Homes & Hope Legacy Society is a group of donors who, by including a legacy gift to ICCF Community Homes in their estate plans, share that enduring commitment. If you are making estate plan decisions, please visit ICCF.org/planned-giving for more information or contact Hank Kroondyk, ICCF Planned Giving Specialist, at [email protected].
ICCF Community Homes
ICCF Community Homes is the oldest non-profit affordable housing provider in the state of Michigan. Active in the Grand Rapids area since 1974, ICCF serves over 2,000 households a year through its programs and services. Program offerings include Family Haven emergency shelter, over 700 units of affordable rental housing, newly constructed homes for purchase, homeownership education and financial counseling.