Putting God’s Grace to Work
“We are deeply thankful that God enabled us to join with so many in seeking shalom here in Grand Rapids through ICCF’s first 50 years of ministry and for the ways God continues to bless this transformational work. With an abiding concern for those in our community facing housing challenges and in thanks for God’s care for us, we are honored to support ICCF Community Homes with regular gifts and a legacy gift from our estate.” – Jonathan & Grace Bradford
Fifteen years ago, in 2009, a Grand Rapids Press reporter wrote an in-depth profile article about Jonathan Bradford, who at that time had been ICCF’s President and CEO for 28 years. Towards the end of the article, the reporter focused on her subject’s personal sense of mission, ending by quoting Jonathan:
“Don’t receive the grace of God in vain…. Use it. Put it to work.”
Putting the grace of God to work been a continuing thread woven through the timeline of ICCF’s history. God’s grace has called and equipped this organization and its people to make a difference:
- for hundreds of families facing homelessness who found emergency shelter at Family Haven,
- for thousands who’ve rented safe, secure, affordable ICCF houses and apartments, and
- for all those families who, with ICCF’s help, have achieved the security of owning their own home.
Over those 50 years, our area’s housing market has changed drastically. The challenges for households on the margins today as they strive to gain suitable and affordable homes have also changed. And, ICCF has changed as well.
While always seeking to both relieve immediate housing need and also widen the path for those striving for long-term housing security, we now know well that housing justice is by its nature an enduring concern that transcends the decades. Circumstances change, but God’s call to put his grace to work endures.
The ICCF Homes & Hope Legacy Society is a group of donors who, by including a legacy gift to ICCF Community Homes in their estate plans, share that enduring commitment. If you are making estate plan decisions, please visit ICCF.org/planned-giving for more information or contact Hank Kroondyk, ICCF Planned Giving Specialist, at [email protected].
ICCF Community Homes
ICCF Community Homes is the oldest non-profit affordable housing provider in the state of Michigan. Active in the Grand Rapids area since 1974, ICCF serves over 2,000 households a year through its programs and services. Program offerings include Family Haven emergency shelter, over 700 units of affordable rental housing, newly constructed homes for purchase, homeownership education and financial counseling.